Today Sawmill 25 occupies a leading position among the timber processing enterprises of the North-West of Russia. The main activity of Sawmill 25 is the production of export sawn timber and wood pellets. Sawmill 25 consists of three production sites with a total capacity of more than 2 million m3 of raw material per year. Systematic and consistent work to improve the quality of products is an integral part of the daily activities of the enterprise. The company's products are successfully exported to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark, Egypt, China, as well as to the domestic market. In its activities and determining development priorities, the company fulfills all environmental and environmental requirements of the legislation, builds partnerships with non-governmental environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and WWF. Sawmill 25 is a member of the Association of Environmentally Responsible Forest Users of Russia. BiomassConsult collaborated with Sawmill 25 on the issue of preparation for certification of pellet production.